Note: You will need to be a KardiaCare or Premium member in order to generate a health report from Kardia.
Generating a Custom Health Report in the Kardia app is a quick simple process. Simply follow the steps below in order to generate your custom report
- After opening the Kardia app, select the "History" button on the bottom navigation bar
- Then select "Generate Report" at the top of the screen
- You will then select a start date and end date for your health report
- Simply tap the start date and select a date on the calendar and repeat these steps to select your report end date
- A custom health report can be created for a time period of 1 to 31 days
- Next, select the content you would like included in your report by tapping any of the following
- Blood Pressure
- Weight
- You can then choose to Download this report as a PDF and share with whomever you would like
- You can also choose to share this report with members of your inner circle