Tachycardia is based on the words Tachy which means fast, and Cardia meaning heart.
Tachycardia is a heart rate that's more than 100 beats per minute. Specifically, for Kardia(tm), Determination of Tachycardia indicates a mild form of tachycardia not due to atrial fibrillation, between 100 to 140 beats per minute. The normal range for heart rate depends on your age and physical condition.
The most common form of tachycardia is sinus tachycardia, which is a normal increase in heart rate. A rapid heart beat may be your body's response to common conditions such as anxiety, fright, dehydration, emotional distress, exercise, fever, drugs, some medication, thyroid problem, or anemia. Other causes of tachycardia may be due to heart disease or other conditions that affect the heart's electrical system. When the heart beats fast, you may have no symptoms or you may experience dizziness, fainting, fluttering in chest, chest pain or pressure*, confusion, or shortness of breath.
The treatment for tachycardia depends on what is causing the fast rate, as well as your symptoms. For sinus tachycardia, the cause of sinus tachycardia is treated, rather than just treating the condition. Cutting down on coffee, alcohol, and tobacco is advised. Severe tachycardia may be treated with medication, cardioversion, radiofrequency ablation or surgery.
*Chest pain or pressure is a medical emergency. Contact a physician or 911 if you have questions or are concerned about any symptoms.