This screen is shown when Kardia is ready to record a SIngle-Lead EKG and is the starting point for your KardiaMobile 6L recording. It indicates that the Kardia app is ready and waiting for your KardiaMobile to begin recording.
To get started, have your KardiaMobile 6L device with you. Place your phone or tablet on a table in front of you. Place your KardiaMobile on the table near your phone, with the "A" symbol facing up.
To begin your recording you will need to touch the top two electrodes by placing fingers from your right hand on the right electrode, and fingers from your left hand on the left-hand electrode. Use light pressure.
When you make contact the KardiaApp will show a green contact indicator with an activity spinner that says "Initializing":
At this point the Kardia application will begin your recording.
If your Kardia app is not responding and land on a screen that says "Connect your KardiaMobile 6L" read this article.