Pairing and Recording Help
- No Signal or Weak Signal with my KardiaMobile 6L
- Why am I getting an error that says my EKG recording was Interrupted?
- Why am I getting an error that there is electrical interference?
- Why do I need to grant location permissions to use KardiaMobile 6L with my Android device?
- How do I switch which Kardia device I am using?
- What to do if I see a "Connect to your KardiaMobile 6L" error when I am trying to record?
- What to do if I get a"Bluetooth is off" error while pairing my KardiaMobile 6L.
- What to do if I get an error while pairing my KardiaMobile 6L that says "Unable to pair KardiaMobile"?
- What to do if I get an error that says "KardiaMobile not found" when I am trying to setup your KardiaMobile 6L for use?
- How can I pair my KardiaMobile 6L to my Android device if I've already denied location permission?
- Why do I need to grant location permissions to use KardiaMobile 6L with my Android device?
- Why am I getting an error that there is electrical interference?
- Why am I getting an error that says my EKG recording was Interrupted?
- Why am I getting an error that says my recording is unreadable?
- How do I fix an "NFC" error when I am trying to record an EKG?
- Why am I getting a location error when I am trying to record an EKG?
- Why am I getting a battery error when I try to record?
- Why am I getting a microphone error that keeps me from recording?
- How do I fix the Bluetooth problem keeping me from recording?
- How do I take a recording using my KardiaMobile?
- How do I take a Single-Lead recording using a KardiaMobile 6L.
- How do I take a 6-Lead recording using my KardiaMobile 6L?